BO Akkerbouw

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Webdesign and webdevelopment


Website with Craft CMS

Association Akkerbouw asked us to design and develop a new website for them based on an existing house style. In consultation with the designer of their house style, we set up a nice design for the website. As always, we paid a lot of attention to pixel-precise transfer of the design into the final result.

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The question

The request was to develop a website that was free to use and easy to modify or add to yourself. A module was developed with topics automatically displayed as clickable circles. These are built based on the number of subpages that fall under this section.

Screencapture bo akkerbouw nl dit doen wij 2021 09 29 10 38 16

Knowledge base

Similarly, there was a desire to add a Knowledge and Innovation section to the website that would be easy to use for BO Akkerbouw's target groups. For example, visitors can easily find the right project from a list of projects BO Akkerbouw has done. Using filters and sorting options, the right one is preselected within a few clicks.

Screencapture bo akkerbouw nl kennis en innovatie projecten 2021 09 29 11 32 22

They created a beautiful design in a short time and executed it exactly like that. Very nice!

— André Hoogendijk, director BO Akkerbouw

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Screencapture bo akkerbouw nl nieuws 2021 09 29 10 24 32


The result is a beautiful and good-looking website with great imagery which makes us very proud of the final result.

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