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Webdesign, 2018


Web app with order functionality in Craft CMS

The school boards of Rotterdam South have jointly decided that every pupil in Rotterdam South will be offered a full Career Orientation programme. By 1 November 2019, schools must have included this LOB programme in their curriculum. On this website, schools can compile their own LOB annual plan.

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The question

NPRZ and Studio Brandenburg asked us to develop a website with ordering functionality based on the unique design by Studio Brandenburg. The website should work quickly and easily, including for editors. Schools will have an account and can use it to place their Career Orientation program orders.

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Our solution

PixelDeluxe set up a responsive website with Craft CMS with user environment with multiple roles.

Screenshot 2020 06 18 at 13 05 54
Screencapture gaanvooreenbaan nu 2020 06 18 13 01 12

The result

It has become a professional, attractive website that NPRZ can use to help schools build their LOB program.

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