Gezond werken in de Waterbouw

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Webdesign, 2016


Website with Craft CMS

Waterbouw aims to unite everyone working in hydraulic engineering and represent their interests in labour and welfare. We have previously created websites for them to their complete satisfaction.

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The question

In the context of healthy working in hydraulic engineering, PixelDeluxe was asked to contribute ideas to set up a website where all stakeholders can find information on prevention, treatment and training on health, safety and welfare in the hydraulic engineering sector.

Waterbouw werkgevers

Our solution

We designed and developed a responsive website that is easy to maintain via the very user-friendly Craft CMS. By using categories, various types of pages can easily be created and automatically appear in the right places. This allows certain pages to be found in several places on the website.

You have a satisfied customer! On to the next project.

— Lea van Vlier - O&O Fonds Waterbouw

Waterbouw loopbaan

The result

It has become a beautiful website with many illustrative images from the working field of dredgers and similar hydraulic engineering activities.

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