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Webdevelopment, 2019


Responsive action website with form

Our partner L5 us to build this special campaign website for the CVO inspiration day Your idea counts. The website has a honeycomb-shaped design. The complexity lies in the fact that usually clickable parts can only consist of a square, but we made sure that these elements can still be clickable without overlapping.

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Screencapture jouwideeteltmee nl 2020 06 12 16 30 07 copy

The question

A design had been created and PixelDeluxe had been asked to do the technical realisation based on L5's design at short notice.

We are very happy with the final result

— Rob Smith, L5

Our solution

We developed a responsive website consisting of unusual shapes that give the website a character of its own. When you roll over the honeycomb, animations automatically start playing and clicking on it opens an RSVP form so that interested parties can register through the website.

Screencapture jouwideeteltmee nl 2020 06 12 16 26 42

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