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Web application in Craft CMS

For MySun, PixelDeluxe has developed a web application that allows dealers of MySun to take orders from their customers themselves via a restricted area of the website. The website is a catalogue for end customers and, for dealers, an application for orders. Our partner Let The Brand Out created the design and is handling the organisation of this project.

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Screencapture mysun nl producten sonate uv 100 2020 06 10 16 46 43


MySun is a wholesaler and supplier of sun protection applications such as awnings or awnings. They have a large dealer network all over the Netherlands for which they assemble and supply sunshade applications to dealers to order.

Web application

The website is primarily intended to interest end customers in MySun's sun protection solutions. All the different solutions can be found on this website. Once a dealer logs into the website via a tablet, an order module is activated that allows them to take measurements on site and directly order the desired sun protection solution. This then arrives at MySun, which processes this order and can indicate the status of each order, so that both MySun itself and the dealer know the status and what they can tell the end customer.

It's nice that everything can be maintained in one place. This allows my clients to serve their customers better.

— Paul de Bruin, director MySun

Our solution

We developed a responsive web application that can be used on a tablet or desktop computer. The ordering component has the ability for dealers to configure the sun blinds themselves where the correct more-or-less prices are then automatically compiled together.

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