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Webdesign and webdevelopment


Multilingual website in craft CMS 3

Newswise is a teaching method to promote reading comprehension in English in secondary schools. This method was developed by CED-Groep. They asked us to develop their new website. The design was developed in cooperation with L5.

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Current topics

Using current news events, children can learn to read and understand English better. It can be read aloud and there is an option to display the text line by line on an IWB.


It saves so much time now that we are using the new CMS and it looks good too.

— Sylvia Kemna

Screencapture newswise nl mijn newswise materiaal nw2103a1 2021 01 21 11 05 36

Subscribtion system

Schools subscribe to Newswise and then get access to online lessons that can be downloaded as PDFs or displayed on an IWB. Subscriptions are renewed automatically. Customers automatically receive emails about this. The lessons are available in multiple levels, so this can be used within different school levels.

Screencapture newswise nl mijn newswise basismateriaal 2021 01 21 11 08 29

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