Rondje Pernis

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Webdesign and Webdevelopment


Website with Craft CMS 3

We developed a website in cooperation with the Entrepreneurs' Association of Pernis and the Municipality of Rotterdam that allows a tour of beautiful places in the village of Pernis.

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Screencapture rondjepernis nl toer rondje 2021 06 27 16 18 58

The idea

People arrive by bike or walk at the top of the bicycle tunnel and start the route by scanning the QR code on the sign with their mobile phone. Using the Google Maps functionality in the mobile browser, people are guided past all the attractions.


In addition to the tour of Pernis, there is also a guide with all the important places in the village, such as where can you have a drink or eat, and where is the doctor or dentist?

I didn't know Pernis had so much to offer

— A user

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