Sil op school

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Website with licence management in Craft CMS

Sil at school is a preschool programme for children in groups 1 and 2 of primary education. It was developed by CED-Groep who asked us to develop the new website for them. Our partner L5 did the design for this.

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Silopschool Thema


Sil at School is a teaching method for preschool teachers. It is a large number of themes with corresponding teaching material that can be used in preschool education spread over the year. A school subscribes to the website and manages its own teachers' access to the system.

Automated licence management

One starts with a trial licence and when it is about to expire, e-mails are automatically sent to take out a real licence. This is fully automatic and the licences can be renewed automatically. All licence holders are easy to manage and can also be exported to Excel for statistics.

Our solution

We have developed an attractive website that is easy to maintain by the education specialists of CED Group. They can upload PDFs, texts, images themselves and these are automatically placed at the right scale and in the right boxes, so the info can also be accessed in various ways by pre-school teachers.

Silopschool Over
Silopschool Archief

How nice to work with this website. Everything works fine and takes us much less time.

— Astrid Kraal, CED-Groep

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