Back to Tiengemeten

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Webdesign, 2017


Website with Craft CMS

There is mostly peace and quiet on the charming island of Tiengemeten... except on two days in the year. Then it's time for the festival Back to Tiengemeten. During this small-scale music festival, it's time for: boating, drinking beer, watching bands. And that, of course, includes a website.

View the website
Tiengemeten lineup

The question

A website already existed for this music festival, but the organisers were not satisfied. The website did not have enough appeal and the festival's house style, which had already been developed, had not been properly implemented on the website. Time for renewal.

Our solution

In consultation with the festival organisers, we created a concept of the ideal website for this festival. Of course, we did not lose sight of the existing house style in the process.

There is no doubt that a website for an event like this should definitely be responsive. Moreover, the acts are important, but it should also be easy to order tickets (via Ticketscript) and to quickly find all information about the pop festival.

The website uses the Craft CMS, which made it a breeze for the organisation to fill the website itself. And that's nice, because of course a festival's website is never finished!

Screencapture terugnaartiengemeten nl lineup dewolff 2020 09 22 11 45 45
2creencapture terugnaartiengemeten nl informatie veiligheid 2020 09 22 11 40 16

The result

The website clearly shows what to expect at this small pop festival: the wind in your hair, the sun on your head, a beer in your hand and great music in your ears. Do you want to be there? After seeing this website, of course you want to be there!

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