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Together with our partner design agency Studio Brandenburg, we developed a website for the Municipality of Rotterdam. The website explains to pupils and students what there is to do in the Food industry in Rotterdam.


The municipality of Rotterdam asked us, Studio Brandenburg and PixelDeluxe to develop a website that gives a better idea of what is on offer in the Food sector in Rotterdam and its surroundings. Information can be found within various themes within the Food sector, such as: Energy, Waste, Logistics, Health and High-tech.

Screencapture voedselpioniers nl uitdagingen 2020 08 28 17 24 06
Screencapture voedselpioniers nl rotterdam ontdek 2020 08 28 17 21 50


The many examples give visitors to the website a better idea of what can be done in the food sector. A company that makes leather with apple peels, a floating cowshed or a champion grower in the basement of Tropicana.

Screencapture voedselpioniers nl sluit je aan 2020 08 28 17 22 43

Threshold-free government website

These days, government websites must all be barrier-free (WCAG 2.0). This means that people with visual or hearing impairments should also be able to access the website properly. So also the Food Pioneers website. So we made the website operable via arrow keys and we built in a read-aloud functionality.

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