W&T Wijzer

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Website with Craft CMS and API link, 2017

Science and Technology (S&T) is an initiative of the Municipality of Rotterdam. S&T promotes inquiry-based and design-based learning in primary schools. To help primary schools develop science and technology education, the website WTWijzer.org was developed. We were part of the concept process and were allowed to realise the tool technically.

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The question

The Municipality of Rotterdam asked us to help think about the concept for this new website and to take care of its technical development. The website had to become the central place for teachers and the curious to find all the necessary information regarding W&T Wijzer. The website had to be appealing, even for teachers who are not initially attracted to science and technology, clear and easy to use.

Screencapture wtwijzer org informatie 2020 08 28 14 55 02
Wtwijzer routeplanner

The solution

Besides the technical aspect, we collaborated with Studio Brandenburg on the conceptual level. A playful design combined with strong accessibility were the main values taken into account while developing W&T Wijzer.

Accessibility was important not only for visitors to the website, but also for those maintaining it. This is the reason the Craft CMS was implemented within W&T Wijzer. The system's high adaptability and ease of use makes maintenance a breeze for the Municipality of Rotterdam.

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