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Webdesign, 2018


Dynamic website with animations. Developed in Craft CMS

Wunderbar is going to change care from the bottom up. Helping those in need of care to organise their own care. Simply, as they see it for themselves. Where they can continue their own familiar lives as much as possible. Wunderbar facilitates these projects. Identifies needs. Shows what is possible. Investigates suitable locations. Arranges permits and (possible) subsidies. Develops spaces. Finds suitable staff. Helps with operations. And even with the search for new candidates when one of the residents drops out.

The question

Wunderbar approached us to work with designer Barry de Bruin to develop their special website. The wish was for several line drawings to be animated.

Screenshot 2020 06 18 at 12 28 43

Our solution

We developed an attractive and unusual website with many small animations in it. We created these animations via svg sprites, which are sort of strips with the different slides of the animation next to each other and then play them in a mask and always move up by the width of the mask. Just like the laterna machica at the time.

Wunderbar 2018 09 14 at 14 23 31

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